I. Identification
The website E-commerce Nation is accessible by the URL https://www.ecommerce-nation.com/ and is hosted by the WP Engine solution. E-Commerce Nation is published by Les Stratèges Numériques SAS with a capital of 235 130 euros. RCS number: 821 107 901, 2 rue Jean Perrin, 14460 Colombelle – France.
E-commerce Nation is edited by Nicolas Chevalier, director of the publication, he can be reached at the following address: [email protected].
II. Intellectual Property
E-commerce Nation is the exclusive owner of the contents published on the website, their reproduction is prohibited. The editors commit themselves not to appropriate contents from other websites and to quote their sources in case of external information.
III. Discussion area
Comments on our articles are allowed, after validation by our moderation system. The modification and/or the deletion of a comment is possible.
IV. Guest articles
Most of the articles on our platform are guest articles. The editors are therefore responsible for the production of the content and for any breach of the laws in force. Partner articles are clearly mentioned so that readers have clarity on the source of the information.