Hey, you! Yep, you are the one called out. Did I get your attention? Good, let’s follow. Your e-commerce business is struggling for visibility everyday. As we tend to use Google for every question or even product needed, you have to be SEM & SEO friendly to rise attraction.
But, there’s something that stands before the friendliness, and that’s knowledge, on how search engines really work. Algorithms, that take care for the positioning, have their rules, and playing by them is a key to success.
1. Research & Use Keywords to rank efficiently
Ok, so there’s one thing to know your product and another to position it well. You might think, that somebody will look online for white solar lamp, but somebody might think of rather white solar light or home photovoltaic.
But, similar words are one thing and using the most popular and searchable words is another – try to use Keyword Tool, Google Keyword Planner or Keyword Research Tool to look for your client’s perspective. The most popular words bust the search, and improve the position of your website, but it’s best to search first, what your group of clients would like to search for… Why?
2. The bounce rate is a great indicator to check if you’re relevant
If you sell dresses, and your customer group searches for “fashion show”, they will experience inconvenience, when your website is positioned as the key word for something else. They looked for inspirations, largest runways, not a e-store with dresses. Leaving your site with just seconds will be seen by Google, and as the bounce rate goes higher, your site draws lower in search results.
There’s a way to have content relevant for the key word your users are interested in, such as a blog entry summing up runway trends, but to position just sales on the crucial search entry, will not work for many.
3. Create Backlinks for content
Coming to blog entries, you might want to be shared and mentioned by other pages, to create backlinks, that validate your online existence. Although Google claims that they will not take backlinks to encounter, this might change the perspective of positioning online.
Whether it’s a Instagram tag, Facebook share or just a reselling mention, your page will be better visible online, thanks to credibility it gets by being linked. This is seen by Google search, and your position might grow with more and more visible with the trustworthiness that you get.
4. Additional points on the way which might be a game changer
There are some more values taken in counter when it comes to positioning in Google, and those might be a game changer in better visitor’s experience, as this is something that Google points out. What are those “extra” rates according to the largest search engine? SSL certificates for security, responsive designs and lack of pop-ups for example. Those were rated as most important website features (SSL, Responsiveness), the pop-ups are an annoying addition, rated low by users, and for that matter influence the bounce rate from the website.
These SEM & SEO major keys can help you increase your conversion rate. You don’t really have to spend all your money for ads, just switch your thinking into SE business model. Looking at Google – it’s for sure user friendly, so building trust would be a priority. Secondly, the company wants to create dedicated content, that will keep it’s users online at most of the times, making it the first channel that they turn to, when in need.
Image credit : Cleo Sonski