40 Must-Know E-Commerce Video Stats to Amplify your Traffic

40 Must Know E Commerce Video Stats to Amplify your Traffic

If you’re active on social media, you’ve probably noticed that e-commerce video trends are on the rise. From Instagram’s stories to branded content on Snapchat, it seems that consumers and brands can’t get enough of bite-sized video content.
But what does it all mean for e-commerce? Let’s have a look at some insights into e-commerce video trends in this infographic by Goodvidio.

Do videos have an impact on the decision to buy?

40 Must-Know E-Commerce Video Stats to Amplify your Traffic
40 Must-Know E-Commerce Video Stats to Amplify your Traffic

We’re seeing innovative uses of video on e-commerce sites, from inspirational homepage video loops to user-generated video reviews on product pages. After all, e-commerce merchants know that consumers feel 52% more confident when they encounter video content on their shopping journey. Simply by adding video content on your site, you’ll have your customers spending up to 88% more time on your site. The more time they spend on your site, the more likely they are to purchase your products.

Videos also seem to bring SEO benefits – websites with videos attract three times more visitors than those without videos. Though we normally think of text and keywords when we talk about SEO, video content is also rankable- in fact stores that have video content on their sites have a 157% increase in organic traffic. In fact, this can also improve your multi-channel strategy. If you share your product videos on social media for example (as they make for great sharable content too), 46% of those who watch your videos on these channels will be likely to search for more information on the product.
Product videos offer the 360 degree look-and-feel of a product that is normally lost in e-commerce. This offers your customers the same feeling they’d have in a brick and mortar store and helps them trust your product and your e-commerce. It’s no secret that videos up your conversion rate- with the likelihood of purchase rising to 85% after a customer has seen a product video. With that kind of conversion jump, you’d be crazy not to consider adding a few product videos to your e-commerce site.

Consumers are used to seeing videos as they scroll the daily newsfeed on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media. Their expectations about video content transfer to e-commerce as well. This is especially true for the millennial generation. According to study by Animoto, one in three millennials buys a product directly as a result of watching videos online.
Three quarters of millennials turn to video to help compare products before they make a decision to buy. Then there’s also the lesser-known Generation C of young and hip influencers, who actively contribute and consume video content on social platforms. The influence of video on their shopping behavior is even more pronounced – Gen C are 3.5 times more likely to buy something after engaging with video content.

Do videos have an impact on the decision to buy ?

40 Must-Know E-Commerce Video Stats to Amplify your Traffic

YouTube is the global leader in video content hosting, while certain countries and markets tend to use other hosting services-which is something to think about when hosting your video content online. In the US, however, YouTube is the undisputed leader, with over half of all keyword searches turning up at least one video, and 82% of them being YouTube videos. So what’s the best strategy for your video content?
In terms of branded videos, there is a lot of opportunity, as less than 20% of all YouTube videos are made up of brand created content (as opposed to user generated content). It’s useful to encourage the users in your community to create their own content videos and tutorials based on your products. This can be done through contests and giveaways that will foster engagement in your customers, which makes them more loyal to your brand.

Tutorial-type videos work especially well on YouTube, with e-commerce video trends showing that there are more than 100 million hours of tutorial content on the platform- and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. Searches for tutorial videos increase by 70% each year. Many of these tutorial video trends are centered around beauty and cosmetic tutorials, which make up a huge portion of these videos. If your e-commerce is centered around cosmetics, it might be interesting to launch a few tutorials on YouTube to attract customers to your products.
Millennials are extremely active on YouTube and are more likely to follow a brand’s video content than their Instagram or Twitter. This presents a huge opportunity for e-commerce brands to capitalize on these video trends to reach the younger market- who are more likely to be comfortable purchasing online than other generations. This means that in 2017, e-commerce retailers need to craft video strategies that meet the habits of video-savvy and content-hungry consumers.

40 Must-Know E-Commerce Video Stats to Amplify your Traffic

With m-commerce on the rise, especially with younger generations, mobile optimization is something we talk a lot about. It might be interesting to know that mobile users are 1.2 times more likely to think highly of brands who include product videos on their e-commerce pages. YouTube is no stranger to this, as half of their daily views come exclusively from mobile users. In fact, e-commerce video trends predict that by 2019, over 70% of all mobile traffic will be to video content.
This is huge to think about- considering that just last year mobile search overtook PC search for the first time world-wide. With mobile users preferring video content, it’s important to consider this point as you optimize your e-commerce for mobile users.

Tablet users appreciate longer videos- probably due to the larger screen that they also use to watch films. This is considerably more difficult for those who watch videos on their smartphones however, as most users aren’t willing to watch a video longer than 10 minutes on their phones.
With video on the quest to overtake social media, e-commerce will need to find the ways to make video content part of the shopping journey. In 2017, we’ll see more businesses looking for smart ways to activate brand, and consumer-made video content to generate more revenue, on both onsite and offsite marketing channels.
infographic 40 ecommerce video stats you must know if you work in online retail block2What are your best tips to catch attention on social media? 

Image credit : Vova Borovskyi