2020 event:
London, 20-21 October, 2020
The Future of Email Marketing Today
Jump ahead of the pack at the most anticipated conference in the Email Marketing Industry.
The Email Innovations Summit is designed to make you the smartest person in the room. From the latest advances in acquisition techniques to going beyond responsive design, the Innovations Summit will explore, educate, and discuss the cutting edge of email marketing trends. Educate yourself on the latest strategies that will drive tomorrow’s results, including the latest trends in data driven subject lines to drive increased engagement.
By exploring, educating, and discussing the cutting edge of email marketing trends, the Email Innovations Summit is designed to take your Email Marketing career to the next level.
Join us in London | 20-21 October 2020!
Get an additional 15% off the current rates by using the discount code ECOMMERCEMAS
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2019 event:
Jump ahead of the pack at the most anticipated conference in the Email Marketing Industry.
The Email Innovations Summit is designed to make you the smartest person in the room. From the latest advancements in acquisition techniques to going beyond responsive design, the Innovations Summit will explore, educate, and discuss the cutting edge of email marketing trends. Educate yourself on the latest strategies that will drive tomorrow’s results, including the latest trends in data-driven subject lines to drive increased engagement.
[button link=”https://emailinnovationssummit.com/london/2019/?utm_source=mediapartner&utm_content=ecommercenation” type=”big” color=”white” newwindow=”yes”] Use this code ECNDDB to get a 15% discount[/button]