Instagram has grown into one of the most powerful online branding platforms. It allows brands constant exposure to over 500 million users in addition to giving them the opportunity to reveal their brand personality. To achieve success with Instagram, you need to know how to communicate with your audience and express your brand in a way that captivates your audience. Hence, creativity is a must when it comes to Instagram.
Here are 3 tips you can use to multiply your Instagram e-commerce sales by 10:
Step 1: Let your Followers in by showing them “Behind-the-Scenes” Photos
There are a number of ways to create a connection with your audience. You could explore the idea of “letting your followers in”. Give them a glimpse of the behind the scenes workings of your company. When you let them in, it increases their trust in your brand and they feel like a part of it.
If there’s one thing I know, it’s that people buy from companies they trust. A way to get past this barrier is to build a following – aim anywhere over 10,000 followers. When an Instagram user notices that you have a large group of people who stand for your brand and support what you do, the barrier instantly comes down.
Step 2: Target the Competition’s Audience and Convert them to your E-Commerce through Interaction
When using Instagram for branding, one of the most challenging yet fundamental parts of the process is to know where to find your audience in a sea of over 500 million users. Targeted growth is what you want to strive for. Building a targeted following will fuel a high level of engagement with your audience.
The best way to find your audience is to locate your competitors’ accounts. A simple Google search such as “Top Fitness Accounts” should do the trick if you’re in the fitness industry.
Once you identify these accounts, go to their followers – and BAM! You’ve found your audience.
You can convert all of their followers into your followers by liking their pictures and interacting with them. In return, they will look at your profile and become a follower. From there on they would start becoming familiar with your brand until they finally purchase what you’ve got to offer.
To automate the process of liking their pictures, there are automation tools which will earn you over 1,000 targeted followers a month. Meanwhile you can focus on increasing your sales and producing eye capturing content.
Step 3: Produce Content that your Target Audience wants to see, and Listen to their Feedback
For Instagram branding, it is important to produce great content. Interact with your audience via message, encourage feedback on your posts, and center your attention on increasing your sales. However, just like any other sales process, you first need to build a rapport with your audience. Don’t just sell them a product, sell them the brand. Think long term when it comes to selling on Instagram.
The Instagram stories feature is the perfect tool to build this rapport. With my account, I ran a test where I measured my impressions for two weeks. The first week I posted one story a day and got 9,594 Impressions for the week. The second week I posted over 5 stories a day and got over 20,000 impressions!
The key here is to know what to post and how to keep your audience wanting to see more. For this, I suggest you add more “behind the scenes” posts for your brand. If your store operates through dropshipping, create content that is of interest to your audience. The best e-commerce example of how to dominate Instagram stories is @ASOS. I would suggest you take a look at their account for inspiration as they have a story going on 24/7.
If your environment is not as active to be adding stories all the time, you can upload alternate content. To upload content, simply tap on the “add a story” button; when the camera opens, just swipe down on your screen to access your phone’s album. Select the pictures/short videos that you wish to share and upload.
You can add deals here or promote specific items. Also, stay updated because Instagram just announced that they will be releasing clickable links in stories! Besides this, they will release Instagram Live. Instagram is here to take over all social media platforms just like it has done with Facebook. The earlier you build your audience, the better.
What’s your best Instagram tip? Tell us below or tweet us!