AllFacebook Marketing Conference

The most successful Facebook & Social Media Marketing Conference in Germany. With 15 conferences and over 6,000 participants, the AllFacebook Marketing Conference is the most successful event on Facebook and social media in the German-speaking world.
Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, Twitter, YouTube … For one day, Munich becomes THE place for social media marketing. On three to four stages simultaneously, with more than 30 speakers and long breaks for networking, you will experience the AllFacebook Marketing Conference.
You’ll meet industry comrades-in-arms, exchange ideas and come home with new ideas, strategies and concepts. Whether you’re a lone fighter, a small business, a medium-sized company or a large corporation – we all play with the same networks. In high-calibre sessions, content is imparted that appeals to particularly advanced users, but also offers a good introduction for beginners. On the workshop day, participants gain additional insights into Facebook Marketing during intensive seminars.

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