An engaging customer experience built for trust is key to ecommerce. Now more than ever, Search & Discovery technology is the best way for brands to start a conversation with their customers for a more human connection. Putting the shopper’s experience and privacy first.
To help you understand the scope of this strategy, offers a case study based on Carrefour, which recently chose Empathy Platform for their site search engine.
What is Commerce Search & Discovery?
Commerce Search puts the customer at the centre. The objective is to understand shoppers and provide experiences that anticipate their needs, facilitate their search experience and also promote the discovery of new products within the catalogue. The final goal is to make online shopping a trustworthy, inspirational and entertaining journey.
The search box is a real-time thermometer of what shoppers are looking for — an indispensable element in establishing a relationship of trust between brands and people, a vehicle for dialogue with your audience. With the right configuration tooling and search performance analysis, you can take action to adapt your Search & Discovery experience and catalogue to meet and exceed your customers’ expectations.
The Carrefour case has deployed their Commerce Search & Discovery Platform to the ecommerce site of Carrefour Spain, a retail giant.
This complex deployment was done in a particular context, as the Carrefour site attracts a wide variety of customers, requiring adaptation. In addition, Carrefour offers a marketplace on its site, requiring the consideration of all products present on the platform, not only those of the retailer.
Carrefour has chosen for their Search & Discovery experience to fulfil a human objective, above all. Indeed, the retailer aimed to provide a people-centric, conversational search experience while facilitating the internal processes to deploy this advanced solution.
Get’s case study on Carrefour Spain
Learn more about how Empathy Platform completely revolutionised Carrefour’s Search performance (+49% search sessions and -48% abandonment rate) since migration from Endeca Search & Navigation (Oracle). You can download the case study for free.