Today’s shopping has evolved so much that omni-channel shopping is becoming normal to most of people. Because of how hard it is to comply with sanitary rules and pricey transportation cost (which has to be quicker than for any other product group to maintain freshness), grocery shopping hasn’t been impacted that much by the rise of e-commerce – until now. The online grocery shopping industry used to represent only 5% of overall grocery sales in 2015. This amount is forecast to almost double by 2020.
As customers tend to have more and more loaded schedules, many of them decide to do their grocery shopping online. And while doing so, what they basically want is to save time, money and energy. This is the main reason why most of them only look at the first page of results when looking for a product. Also half of selected products actually come from the e-shopper’s favorite items section.
Define your Online Grocery Shopping Customer Type
Studies show the existence of 2 different types of online grocery shoppers. The customer you want the most is “the mission shopper” as he/she repeatedly shops for the same household items. Those peoples are concentrated on their mission and don’t spend time navigating the website in order to find new products. So the question is: how can your product gain its place in the mission shopper’s favorite items list?
Online grocery shopping has a lot of disadvantages, whether from the side of the consumer or the online store. Logistics are expensive and complex, there are shipping fees to pay for, and some risks exist concerning the quality and the freshness of the product at the end of its journey. But there are good sides too: doing grocery shopping online is convenient, the diversity of products is great, and people can find special brands or items they couldn’t find elsewhere.
The ease in finding specialy rare items is another reason for online grocery shopping development. The niche markets are spreading like never before as some products are only available online due to their specificity. Consumers searching for a specific product online are much more likely to browse all the categories and discover your brand then the mission shopper type.
Insight from London Online & Digital Grocery Summit 2017
Online grocery shopping is a complex topic. In order optimize your brand strategy, you might consider attending the 3rd Online & Digital Grocery Summit in London, UK. The 2017 edition will take place in Hilton Tower Bridge on the 16th of May. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get some insight from powerful brands on how to optimize your brand and increase your online sales.
You will have the possibility to learn from the key retailers of the online grocery shopping brands and industry experts. Here is an example of what you will be able to discover :
- How to create a successful online brand campaign (strategy, best practices, KPIs…)
- Get the retailer/brand perspectives concerning partnerships and key lessons learned.
- Get Amazon’s expert insight and learn how to use data to ensure your products visibility.
- Discuss the digital retail world in 2025 concerning the technology
The Online & Digital Grocery Summit 2017 is open to everyone from the industry. From retailers to consumer brands, passing by consumer data analysts and independent consultants. Anyone linked to online grocery shopping and FMCG products should join the summit to develop their knowledge on the subject and expand their network.
Upon your arrival you will receive a ‘how to’ guide about online retail containing exclusive, real case studies as well as online brand positioning advice. Plus you will get access to roundtable debates and finally you will meet FMCG brands representants. Some of the Online & Digital Grocery Summit 2017 key speakers represent brands such as Tesco, Coca-Cola, Kellogg Company, Danone, Kraft Heinz, Google, and so on. Check out their site for more information and grab your spot today!