Top 10 Countries with the Largest E-commerce Industry

top 10 ecommerce countries

The global e-commerce market has experienced exponential growth in recent years, revolutionizing the way people shop and do business. With advancements in technology and the widespread availability of internet access, online shopping has become increasingly popular worldwide. 

Let’s explore the top 10 countries with the largest e-commerce industries, based on their online sales figures and market shares.

The global E-commerce market

The retail industry has witnessed a remarkable transformation with the rise of the global e-commerce market, which has grown rapidly and changed the way people conduct commerce. 

In 2022, the global e-commerce market generated a whopping $5.9 trillion in sales. The e-commerce sales growth rate was an impressive 9.26%. The average e-commerce spending per person was about $737.51. 

The significant growth and market size of the global e-commerce industry are driven by various factors such as widespread internet access and the diffusion of digital devices like smartphones and tablets.

Moreover, the ease and adaptability of e-commerce platforms have been crucial factors in increasing their appeal. Online shopping enables consumers to access a wide variety of products, compare prices, and make purchases at any time of the day, without the constraints of physical store hours or geographical boundaries. This ease factor has greatly enhanced the rapid growth of the e-commerce market.

In addition, the development of secure online payment systems and the enforcement of strong cybersecurity measures have increased consumer trust in conducting financial transactions online. With secure payment gateways and strict data protection protocols, consumers feel more confident providing their personal and financial information when shopping online.

1. China

One of the most influential factors in the world economy is the e-commerce sector, and China is the undisputed leader in this field. 

With a total online sales volume of $1,538 billion in 2022, China holds 26.07% of the global e-commerce market share, far ahead of any other country. China’s e-commerce landscape is dominated by a few powerful platforms, such as Taobao,, and Douyin, which have innovated and diversified their services to meet the changing needs and preferences of online consumers.

2. USA

The United States holds the second position in the global e-commerce market, with online sales amounting to $875 billion, comprising 14.83% of the market. E-commerce giants like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart have established themselves as industry leaders, providing consumers with a wide range of products and services.

One of the main factors that contribute to the success of e-commerce in the US is the high internet penetration rate, which reached 91.8% in 2023. This means that more than 311 million Americans have access to online shopping platforms and can easily compare prices, reviews, and features of different products. 

Another factor is the advanced logistics and delivery infrastructure, which enables fast and reliable shipping of goods across the country. The US also has a strong legal and regulatory framework that protects both buyers and sellers from fraud, privacy breaches, and unfair competition. 

3. Japan

E-commerce is a booming sector in Japan, where online transactions reached $241 billion in value, representing 4.08% of the global market share. 

The country has a strong presence of e-commerce platforms, such as Amazon, Rakuten, and Mercari, that offer a wide range of products and services to the Japanese customers. These platforms enable easy and fast online shopping, as well as various payment and delivery options.

4. Germany

E-commerce is a booming sector in Germany, where online shoppers spent $148 billion in 2022, accounting for 2.51% of the world’s e-commerce market share. 

The country has a variety of e-commerce platforms that offer different products and services to meet the demands of the German market. Some of the most popular ones are Amazon, eBay, and Otto, which have established themselves as trusted and reliable online retailers in Germany.

5. UK

One of the most dynamic and thriving sectors in the United Kingdom is e-commerce, which generated $143 billion in online sales in 2022, accounting for 2.42% of the global e-commerce market share. 

The UK e-commerce sector is dominated by three major platforms: Amazon, eBay, and Asos, which cater to different segments of online consumers and offer various products and services, such as books, electronics, clothing, and entertainment. These platforms have established a loyal customer base and a strong brand reputation in the UK and beyond.

Top E-commerce countries

6. South Korea

The e-commerce industry in South Korea has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, as more consumers prefer to shop online for convenience and variety. 

According to the latest data, the online sales volume in the country reached $118 billion, accounting for 2.00% of the global market share. Some of the leading e-commerce platforms in South Korea are G-Market, 11Street, and, which offer a wide range of products and services, as well as user-friendly features and fast delivery options.

7. India

One of the fastest-growing sectors in India is e-commerce, which has seen a remarkable increase in online sales in recent years. 

India’s e-commerce market reached $97 billion in 2022, accounting for 1.64% of the global market share. This growth can be attributed to the efforts of leading e-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, and Meesho, which have catered to the diverse needs and preferences of Indian consumers. 

These platforms have offered a variety of products and services, ranging from electronics and fashion to groceries and education, making online shopping more convenient and accessible for millions of Indians.

8. France

One of the leading countries in the world of e-commerce is France, which generated $96 billion in online revenue in 2022, accounting for 1.63% of the global market share. 

The French e-commerce landscape is characterized by a variety of platforms that offer different products and services to meet the preferences and demands of online shoppers. 

Some of the most popular platforms in France are Amazon, Leboncoin, and Vinted, which provide options for buying and selling new and used goods, as well as fashion and lifestyle items.

9. Indonesia

Indonesia is one of the fastest-growing e-commerce markets in the world, with online sales hitting $59 billion in 2022. This represents 1% of the global e-commerce market, which is expected to grow further in the coming years. 

Some of the leading e-commerce platforms in Indonesia are Shopee, Tokopedia, and Lazada, which cater to the diverse needs and preferences of Indonesian online shoppers. These platforms provide a range of products and services, from fashion and electronics to groceries and travel, as well as secure payment methods and fast delivery options.

10. Canada

Canada is the tenth-largest e-commerce market in the world, with online sales of $59 billion in 2020. This amount represents 1% of the global e-commerce revenue. 

The Canadian e-commerce landscape is dominated by major players such as Amazon, Kijiji, and Walmart, who offer a wide range of products and services to meet the online shopping preferences of Canadians.

Top E-commerce countries


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Thibault Herpin
Hi, my name is Thibault Herpin. I'm in charge of strategic content for E-commerce Nation. I'm happy to share my experience in the fields of digital marketing and E-commerce through my content. Do not hesitate to contact me !