Need SEO Tips for WooCommerce? Reducing loading times, optimizing images in product files or using URLs adapted to Google’s algorithms and Bing data can among the best practices in this regard.
Did you know that more than half of the traffic (51%) of an e-commerce comes from organic search engine results, according to BrightEdge data? This same study also ensures that 40% of revenue comes from organic traffic, as opposed to paid ads (PPC), which represent 10%.
Does this mean that PPC ads perform worse than SEO? The answer is yes, according to Search Engine Watch analysts. Organic results are better, as they get higher click rates compared to paid ads. In fact, a majority percentage of users tend to ignore such ads.
However, optimizing SEO for WooCommerce is not an option: it is a necessity. Competition to monopolize certain keywords becomes bestial in e-commerce. Retailers who don’t have a search engine positioning strategy have a clear commercial disadvantage – the following tips will help you compete with the giants of your industry or niche market!
These SEO tips for WooCommerce will help you
Reduce your e-commerce load times
Despite the quality of this e-commerce plugin, its loading times may be slow if the information contained in its pages (including images) has not been properly optimized. Bad practices also impair the loading speed of an e-commerce, such as not regularly cleaning the database.
Slow loading times are a big problem for e-commerce. According to data provided by Amazon, every second of additional load causes them to lose 1,600 million dollars. That’s why Jeff Bezos’ platform enjoys lightning loading times.
Google and other search engines consider this a handicap. Slow load times are detrimental to the user experience. For this reason, sites with worse loading times are ‘punished’ by search algorithms with poor positioning in their SERPs.
In this sense, one of the best SEO tips for WooCommerce is to reduce these waiting times as much as possible. How to do it? The following recommendations will be useful to you:
- Do a regular cleaning of your database (plugins like WP-Optimize are useful).
- Compress the JS and CSS files.
- Make the browsing cache expire after one week.
- Use specific plugins such as WP Rocket or WP Super Cache.
Optimize your images for organic searches
The best e-commerce stands out for the quality of its product cards: they have detailed and ordered information, abundant images and even high-quality videos. However, higher quality images tend to increase loading times, which is directly detrimental to SEO.
There are many ways to optimize images, without sacrificing their definition or level of detail. First, they can be compressed with the help of specific tools. Also, the start of your loading process can be delayed with the installation of plugins such as Lazy Load. Another possible solution is to contract better hosting services, which guarantee a higher connection speed with your servers. Without a doubt, one of those SEO tips for WooCommerce that you should follow.
Bet on SEO Friendly URLs
Despite having the most advanced search algorithm on the market, Google needs web developers to use search engine friendly URLs. Let’s look at two examples:
These two URLs correspond to the same product category: sneakers for men. However, the first version is confusing to search engines, while the second would be easy to interpret even for humans. If you want to achieve superior organic positioning, use URL structures that are SEO friendly.
Rich Snippets are not a fad: use them
Have you ever conducted a Google search and received results with prices, ratings (stars), or featured videos? Rich Snippets are behind these results. Although some specialists considered that the rise of these fragments was a passing fad, the truth is that they are not.
Why is using Rich Snippets key to SEO? Because it substantially improves the CTR (click-through rate). To stand out among the results of the competitors is not easy, and for that reason, these codes are a powerful ally to improve the SEO for WooCommerce.
Optimize the responsive version of your e-commerce
Did you know that mCommerce sales will exceed $420 billion in 2021 in the U.S. alone, according to specialists? If you want to succeed with your WooCommerce store, you must optimize its responsive version. And not only to offer a quality user experience but to get an excellent positioning.
With the launch of Mobile-first index by Google, e-commerce has been put on alert. Why? Because the main search engine in the market already classifies searches into two listings: one for the desktop version and another for the mobile version (responsive). The implications are obvious: if the best online store has a bad responsive version, its organic mobile traffic will collapse.
Therefore, we recommend you to optimize the WooCommerce design that you show to the mobile consumer. Are loading times fast, do the images adapt to tablets and smartphones, none of the texts are out of place? It is important to answer these questions with a yes. Otherwise, our organic traffic will be in danger.
With the help of these SEO tips for WooCommerce, entrepreneurs intending to start a business and merchants with established businesses will be able to improve their organic positioning easily. Don’t stay behind and position your brand and its products at the top of Google!