Live streaming videos is a thing. Social media users’ keen interest for the new technology grows and social media are willing to adapt. Twitter and Facebook have both already adopted the freedom mentality coming along with the possibility to broadcast from anywhere. And even though YouTube’s core business is online video, it didn’t rush into mobile live streaming implementation. This is finally going to change and it’s about time.
YouTube is still attractive, of course, since this is the video platform where video stars have the largest audience. But on the downside, occasional users don’t get much visibility.
One of their latest worldwide videos innovation was the first free 360° live streaming video in full 4K and at scale. YouTube’s next step is the launch of the mobile live streaming feature. YouTube decided to enter the game with the release of its very own mobile live streaming feature not long ago. For the moment, it is only accessible to YouTube’s biggest creators, with at least 10,000 subscribers, but should be available to everyone else soon.
The ultimate goal for YouTube is to emphasize interaction between creators and viewers through the videos they watch. Its new mobile live streaming feature would definitely be different than other YouTube services. Live streaming allows creator to be more intimate and spontaneous with their audience. The functionality is accessible directly through the YouTube’s mobile app and is simple to use. As they work exactly like the regular YouTube videos, your audience will be able to search for your live videos and they will be found in the recommendation section. You will also be able to protect them from unauthorized uses as well.
With the feedback of some partner creators, they adapted things like the speed of live chat (apparently getting 2,000 messages per seconds can be a little bit overwhelming!) and a better display quality on the different devices. This might explain why YouTube forced us all to wait for this feature.
The power of mobile live streaming
Actually, YouTube has been live streaming since 2011. Way before it became a social media trend. Let’s remember the live of the Royal Wedding in 2011 and the out of space jump of Felix Baumgartner in 2012. It was also the year of the first 360° live stream during Coachella’s famous festival which attracted more than 21 million viewers. YouTube live videos have substantial economic potential for people ready to use it. If you want to promote the launch of a new product, platform service, or anything else, you could use YouTube new mobile live streaming feature to the broadcast the event and gain visibility.
To illustrate the power of live streaming, let’s mention 2016 Alibaba’s Singles day. During the event, the Asian e-commerce giant decided to go live and broadcast the 11.11 (as they called it) Countdown Celebration Gala. Alibaba created a virtual reality shopping experience and broadcast it through live streams. The 8 hours “see now, buy now” campaign allowed viewers to immediately buy showcased items from 80 different brands.